There are many people that use the term
friend loosely, but some of us when we call you
friend we mean it in our hearts. In the end we as humans are responsible and should be smart enough to know that some friends are not truly friends, some friends are just their, and some friends will disappoint you, but most all friends will in the end just be acquaintances that pass through your life. And as these friends/acquaintances pass through your life they will have a lot, little, or no impact in your life. Some of us as friends only see the good in those people and hope that maybe we have made another good friendship that will last for many years to come or even a life time. Sadly, those friendships of many years or life time friendships are rare... A Wise man once told us, "You are not my friend until after I have known you for over 5 years". At the time I did not understand what he meant, but as we looked back at all the people we called friends and where they stood in our lives, we discovered that most of them could not be called friends and some of them we could not believe that we even called them friends! In the end some of these revelations break our hearts because you think you know someone, but you really don't... In college we have met many people that till now have become not just friends, but
family in less than 5 years and that is because they genuinely have loved us and have been there for us through thick and thin (Thank you). We have also met people that have passed through our lives posing as friends with their own agenda and this make us feel used! We don't have much to offer, but we can offer you our true friendship through thick and thin. For those who posed as friends, stop playing mind games with people who have good intentions and good feelings of being your friend! Figure out your own life before you pretend to be a friend, and over all respect yourself and love yourself in order to have friends that you can call
friends 5 years later down your life.
And to the Family and Friends that were present at our wedding and through preparations (you know who you are) thank you for being in our lives and being so supporting as family!