Welcome to Our Page

We Humbly welcome you to our page, and welcome anyone who supports and respects GLBT, Equal Rights, Diversity, Ethnicity, and GENDER Identity. It does not matter if you are straight, gay, bi, trans, it only matters that you are honest with yourself and love who you truly are as a human being. We are here to show the world that we will always be ourselves and hopefully anyone who needs to feel this way we can be an example that it is OK to be your honest self.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Rich want their money NOW! The poor get excuses, ands, & buts!

Why is it that the Rich Corporations, big companies, and even people with money and power always get their money without excuses, but those who are poor and in serious need of money get nothing but excuses? What the fuck is up with that? Whether we are college students putting in 18 + credit hours +work + organization involvement, a working single mother, a person working three jobs just to make ends meet, or anyone trying to live life right, it just seems we get a pot full of excuses more then the green stuff that makes people dance. Just alone today we found ourselves in the middle of two conversations discussing on how our University is delayed on distributing change checks out to students! Come on seriously, what the fuck? One student had filled out their information as soon as they got the notice to update their FASFA, and another waited a few months after receiving the e-mail, but both are given excuses on why they yet have to see a change check. What is really interesting is that both excuses do not add-up. One was, "We failed to mail change checks on Saturday, but they will be out first thing Monday morning", another was, "You are being reviewed, and you might not see yours till September," and finally we called, and they said, "They were mailed out on Saturday"! So which is it, because the way I see it this is money students need to get their semester going. Things get funnier because to weeks prior from this date an e-mail had been distributed to faculty,student, and staff that if students did not have their fees paid by Monday, August, 24th, 2009 that they would automatically be dropped from all their classes, and ironically a week later they took the rule back, hmm... we wonder why? It seems that some Universities don't even know what is going on, are giving students the run around, or they are just plain fucking with us and being hard on giving us the funds we applied for earlier this year! Funny is the fact that the University wants their money NOW, but could care less if we can get it or not... This is dedicated to our friends that need their change check to get their semester going.

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